Home Games Review Persona 4 Golden Review – Stay Golden

Persona 4 Golden Review – Stay Golden

by Bryan Perry
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Persona 4 Golden is a role-playing video game developed by Atlus and is a remastered version of the original Persona 4 game that was released in 2008. The game was released for PlayStation Vita in 2012 and later for PC in 2020. The game has received critical acclaim for its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and deep gameplay mechanics. In this review, we will explore the various aspects of the game that make it a must-play for any fan of the RPG genre.


Persona 4 Golden takes place in the rural town of Inaba, Japan, where a string of mysterious murders has taken place. The protagonist, a high school student who has recently moved to Inaba, finds himself embroiled in the investigation of these murders. Along the way, he forms a close bond with his classmates and other residents of the town, uncovering their deepest secrets and innermost desires. The game’s storyline is engaging and well-paced, with a perfect balance of mystery, drama, and humor. The game’s narrative is also heavily influenced by Japanese folklore, with the concept of “personas” being central to the game’s plot.


Persona 4 Golden’s gameplay is a perfect blend of classic turn-based RPG mechanics and modern innovations. The game’s combat system is heavily influenced by the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, with players collecting and fusing personas, which are essentially demons that aid the player in battle. The game also features a social simulation aspect, where players can spend time with their classmates and other residents of Inaba to deepen their bonds and unlock new abilities. The game’s dungeon-crawling segments are challenging and well-designed, with each dungeon having its unique theme and set of enemies. The game’s difficulty can be adjusted to suit the player’s preferences, making it accessible to both casual and hardcore gamers.


Persona 4 Golden’s characters are the game’s strongest aspect. Each character is well-developed, with their unique personalities, motivations, and backstories. The game’s protagonist is a silent protagonist, allowing players to project themselves onto him and immerse themselves in the game’s world. The game’s supporting cast is equally well-written, with each character having their unique struggles and personal growth. The game’s social simulation aspect allows players to form close bonds with each character, unlocking new abilities and story events. The game’s writing is also witty and humorous, with the game’s characters often engaging in entertaining banter.

Graphics and Sound

Persona 4 Golden’s graphics are a step up from the original Persona 4 game, with improved character models and higher resolution textures. The game’s art style is also distinctive, with a bright and colorful aesthetic that perfectly complements the game’s upbeat tone. The game’s soundtrack is one of its highlights, with a mix of J-pop and rock tracks that perfectly capture the game’s themes and mood. The game’s voice acting is also top-notch, with each character’s voice actor delivering a standout performance.


Persona 4 Golden is a masterpiece of the RPG genre, with its engaging storyline, deep gameplay mechanics, and well-developed characters. The game’s social simulation aspect adds an extra layer of depth to the game, allowing players to form close bonds with the game’s characters and immerse themselves in the game’s world. The game’s graphics and sound are also top-notch, with a bright and colorful art style and a memorable soundtrack. If you’re a fan of the RPG genre, Persona 4 Golden is a must-play game that will keep you engaged for hours on end. Stay golden!

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